Thursday, April 30, 2009

Loving the Water

Addison really does seem to love the water. Today, I got in with her and we tried out the new float Nana bought (really cool because it has a place for an adult to float while swimming with her). She just splashed and splashed. It would take her breath every time the water hit her face. We stayed in for over an hour playing together.

Trying out her new float.

Playing with the float.

Laughing at Kenzie.

Her favorite thing to do so far in the water.

This weekend, Matt, Addison and I are all going to the beach to stay. We are super excited to get away together for a little bit. Matt has been working on a paper that has to be turned in tomorrow, so we are all CELEBRATING. He has worked hard on this, and I know he is glad this class is over.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First Pool Experience

Today was such a nice day to take a dip in the pool. Of course, McKenzie said she ONLY wanted to put her feet in, but you know how that always ends up. Pretty soon it was her WHOLE body. I decided to put Addison in as well(fully dressed) to see how she reacted, and she loved it. We didn't get all the way in, but she did sit on the first step (Mom of course wasn't ready for the cold pool yet). I am so glad she likes the water and can't wait to take her swimming.

She loved splashing the water with her feet and hands.

Relaxing in the water.

Getting warmed up!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Won't You Be My Teddy Bear

Today McKenzie wanted to show us her new dance recital routine. She has a dance recital in May that she is practicing for. It was so cute. Addison got a kick out of her dancing. She couldn't stop giggling at her. I think she just wanted to get down there and dance with her.

Waking Up is Hard to Do

Unless of course you wake up to this:

We put her at the very end of the bed to try to prevent this from happening, but she ends up in this same corner every time(multiple times a night).

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Favorite Toys

This is Addison's new favorite toy. It is so funny when you watch her in it because she can't decide which toy she wants to play with. She just spins and looks at them all and finds which ones she can pull down to her mouth. So far the frog is her favorite. This also helps mom to get things done around the house. Thanks Mrs. Nancy for letting us use it!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

This is Addison's favorite sleeping position. We usually know she is going to be out for a while when her hands go behind her head. She even does this when she falls asleep in her bouncy seat. So sweet!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Heather!

Sending you love and a little Florida sunshine your way! Hope you have a great day! Happy Birthday!!! 4/21/08

Go Team Go!

Matt has wanted Addison and I to go watch a Chipley baseball game with him one evening. So tonight, we were sitting at the dinner table and he was showing Addison how she would cheer for the team. It was so funny because all of a sudden she started copying his hand motions. He would do it then she would copy him. I got the camera just in time to catch her cheering.

She is going to be a Cub's fan just like her daddy!

Giving daddy some love before he had to leave.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hanging out with the Cousins

Addison and I spent the day at Aunt Katie's house playing with Gavin and Logan. She just loves watching Gavin run around! These days, Addison is also wanting to grab everything and anything lying around her and of course it goes straight to her mouth. This morning, I walked into the room and saw her grab her paci and try to put it in her mouth all while being asleep. It was too funny!

Hanging out with her cousin Gavin
She looks like a giant compared to little bitty Logan.

Logan slept the day away while we were over.

Watching Baby Genius sucking on her toes. She couldn't decide which foot tasted better.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Today was a great day! Our services at church were wonderful and the music was awesome! I was reminded again of what Easter is really all about. Thank you Lord for your Son and His death on the cross saving me from my sins, and thank you that after three days He rose! I serve a risen Savior!

This is the Easter basket Aunt JeniLee made for Addison. So adorable!

She made the bunnies with ribbon.

Addison all ready for church in her new Easter dress.

Addison getting ready to go watch her cousins hunt Easter eggs.

Addie and Mom after playing outside.
Addison talking with McKenzie(aka giggle box). Addison tries to grab your face and hair now when you talk to her.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Day at the Park with Daddy

Today was a rare day of me getting to spend some quality time with my daughter. Chelsea went to see her new nephew while Addie and I got to hang out. The last few months have been absolutely crazy around the Sawyer household. I seem to never have some good, solid time at home with my girls. Well, this was a treat for me!!!
Addison and I loaded up and headed to the park in town. I was excited and I think she was too........... ok, maybe not as pumped as her dad. This is how she was for the first 30 minutes. OUT COLD!!! I didn't mind, I walked a few laps until she woke up.

We progressed from eyes closed, to eyes open but body still in sleep mode. It took her a while to warm up to what was going on. I just kept on truckin' around the park until it was chow time.

I was unable to capture the best pictures of the day due to the chaos I was in. I don't know what it is, but she seems to always have some bountiful number 2's when we are ourselves! Little did I know that while I was cleaning her up, the bottle had malfunctioned. When I went to feed her some more, we had it all over us........mainly on my shorts...........making it look like I wet my pants. Sounds like a dad, doesn't it.
To wrap it up, I had a great day with Addison. Looking forward to more adventures!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Logan is Here!

Today was a great day! Addison and I went with my mom and dad to the hospital to be with my baby sister, Katie, as she gave birth to our newest addition to the family. I actually got to be in the room when she delivered which was a great experience. It definitely reminds you of what an AWESOME God we have!! Logan arrived at 12:56p.m. weighing in at 6lbs. 4oz(tiniest grandbaby so far) and was 19.5 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing great!

Aunt Katie and Addison before Logan arrived.

Sweet little baby boy!

So little!

The family minus Gavin. Poor thing was sick today, so he stayed back with Aunt JeniLee.
Addison seeing her cousin for the first time. She kept wanting to grab him.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Update on Matt's Internship

As you may or may not know, Matt has been serving as Middle School Intern at First Baptist Church in Chipley. The student ministry here is really growing, so Matt and Bro. Dave(Youth Leader)have started separating the youth on Wednesday nights. Matt meets with the Middle School on the back deck of our student building. This internship has really been a great experience for Matt. He has enjoyed learning all that he can about student ministry hands-on(totally different than being in a classroom). We are excited to see what God has in store for us in future ministry.

Oh, and if you are wondering what the sheet and table are doing in the background, that was our make shift projector screen for the evening. Yes, our mission was accomplished!

Addison has really started to enjoy being on her stomach for longer periods of time now. She used to hate it before she started rolling over. We are still waiting for her to roll back over though.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!!

Happy Birthday Grandma!(4/8/09) We love you very much! Hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs and Kisses!

Addison's New Pacifier

Today was a busy day. Addison and I went to Dothan with Aunt Katie hoping that today would be the day Logan made his grand entrance. However, Logan had other plans. Katie is now 3 cm dilated and 50%. If she doesn't have him by Friday, she will be induced early Friday morning. I know she is hoping he comes sooner than that.

Addison also discovered that she could use her toes as a pacifier. I know, kind of gross, but also really funny. She is smiling at everyone now. I think all the nurses at the doctor's office had to come over and talk to her today. She's so cute you just can't resist:)

THANKS Grandma for all my new cute little outfits and bunny!! Can't wait to wear them:)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

What dad's will do to make their little girls happy. . .

Thanks Aunt Kim for the high chair! As you can see, it is being put to good use:)

Community Wide Easter Egg Hunt

Today was the community wide Easter egg hunt at the park. The weather was perfect! Addison even got a little sun. Matt was in charge of the music and announcements, so Addison and I enjoyed strolling around and visiting with friends. It was a busy day for her. She started the day off sleeping and ended it that way as well:)

The beginning of our day. . .

Addie and her Daddy
Matt announcing prize winners

Aunt Katie, Addie (and Logan)
(boy we hope he comes soon!!)

Addison enjoyed strolling around.

This was a busy day for her!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rain rain go away. . .

Today was yet another rainy day. I think it pretty much rained the entire day, so we now have a pond in our front and back yard! Addison and her daddy both decided to take advantage of the rain for some much needed sleep. She HAS NOT been sleeping well at all this week. Hopefully, tonight will be a good night for her (and us) and she will sleep all night!!!