Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First Football Game

Tonight we took Addison to her first football game. We thought we would go and enjoy a game from the bleachers, but boy did Addison have other plans. She wanted to get down, walk, and visit with everyone around her. I felt sorry for some boys who were eating beside us because she stared down their food hoping they would give her a bite. She also received her first busted lip from falling down on the bleachers, bloody mouth and all. However, she didn't cry for long and wanted to get right back down and enjoy the fun. Her dad and I have seriously rethought the idea of going to ballgames at this age.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Playhouse Disney Live

On Friday evening, Matt, Addison and I met my sisters for Playhouse Disney Live at the Mariana Civic center. We weren't sure how much Addison would get into seeing all the characters, but she had a blast. We saw Mickey Mouse and all his friends, Winnie the Pooh and friends, Little Einsteins, and Handy Mandy. She stood up on our laps and danced and clapped with the music. It was a great show and great fun!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Crawling is a Thing of the Past

Walking is in! She is getting better and better at it now and would much rather do that than crawl.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Matt Update

Hello All,
I wanted to give an update on what has been going on with life these days. One word....insane!!! That pretty much sums it up. This past Sunday our Pastor was challenging us on how we spend our time. He mentioned how fast time goes by. I will have to say Amen to that. Chelsea and I are planning our daughters first birthday. It is absolutely blowing me away. She is a reminder of how God blesses when we don't deserve it. Words cannot describe the love I have for my family. Right now my schedule consists of church hours and activities, work hours (some long days), and school work (will hopefully be done May 2010). When things get tense, I have the two sweetest girls to calm me down and get my mind off of the busy stuff. Through it all I am still challenged to do my best for the Lord. None of the things I have mentioned are mine. God has allowed me to be a steward over his things. I want to do my best as a husband, father, brother, uncle, employee, and student. Yeah, it can be overwhelming at times, but I have been reminded that I have a God who knows what I go through and He does not leave me alone.
Thanks for tuning in to our family blog. We enjoy sharing our journey with family and friends. Know that you are always welcome to send us a message or give us a call.
God bless,