Saturday, May 30, 2009

Trip to Falling Waters

Today we took a trip to Falling Waters State Park. I knew Matt had never been there before, and he loves doing stuff like this, so I thought it would be perfect! We had a great time walking the trails, seeing the sinkholes and beautiful waterfall. Addison had a great time hanging out in her backpack. This will definitely be a trip we take again when it gets a little cooler.

"No more walking PLEASE!"

Thursday, May 28, 2009

More Veggies Please!

Tonight, Addison tried her first vegetable(butternut squash) and loved it! She really hasn't seemed that interested in her cereal, but tonight she opened her mouth for every last drop. In the middle of eating the squash, she also decided that her toes tasted pretty great as well. So, needless to say, we ended up with food everywhere.

Tomorrow night, we take the clothes off before we start eating.

Night Night

Last night Addison got to say goodnight to her Grandma and Aunt Bailey before she went to bed. It was too sweet seeing her smile as they talked to her. She sure does love them!

Saying goodnight to Grandma:

Saying goodnight to Aunt Bailey:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

6 Month Checkup

Today was Addison's 6 month checkup. I know, 6 months ALREADY! She is such a sweetie at the age she is right now. She is able to hold and play with her toys, sit up, and react to things with smiles and giggles. Right now her favorite sound is dadadada. Even though I know she doesn't relate this to her daddy, it is still so sweet, and I know it just melts his heart.

She weighs 14lbs 7 oz. now and is 25 inches long. The doc. said she looked great! We also had found out a couple of months ago that our doctor would pierce ears at 6 months. I figured where better to get her ears pierced. Her daddy wasn't so sure about it at first, but said he was fine with whatever. So, she got her ears pierced today and did great. She is officially "blinging." Let's just see how often she gets called a boy now.

On the car ride there.

Waiting on the doctor.

Before having her ears pierced. . .
. . .after
Car ride home. Shots do it to her every time.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Our Little Genius

. . . or at least we think so.

But she sure is one cute little genius!

Memorial Day

Tonight we got together with family and friends to celebrate Memorial Day. We had a great evening filled with good food and good fun. Here are some pictures of our night.

Sporting her red, white and blue.

Wishing she was in the pool with her daddy and cousins. Boy, they look like they are having a good time. To bad the water was FREEZING!

She found something better to do though.
Cousin love

Friday, May 22, 2009

Animal Noises with Dad

Addison loves it when her daddy does animal noises for her. The elephant is by far her favorite. She even started trying it herself:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

These are a Few of Her Favorite Things

Her taggie blanket. Every time she plays with a toy she finds the tags on it and sucks them.

Sitting up. She thinks this is the only position she can be in when playing. She does really well at staying up by herself for a while and doesn't fall backwards as much as she nose dives forward grabbing at toys.

She's still lovin' those toes. Especially now that her gums seem to bother her. She now manages to rub her toes across her gums.

Also, she has recently started enjoying books which I am thrilled about! I hope she keeps this up!

**Grandma, love all the new clothes! Thanks so much!

Celebrating 4 Years of Marriage

Today Matt and I have been married 4 years. I have to say that God has blessed me with one great guy! He still makes me laugh, one of the things I loved about him when we met. He is an amazing husband and wonderful father. Babe, I love you so much and can't wait to experience the rest life has to offer us.

Happy Anniversary!!

Today marks the 4th year of Chelsea and I saying our vows and our "I do's". It has been an amazing journey so far and I am looking forward to what we will experience together in the future. I love you very much Chelsea, Happy Anniversary!!

Your Hubby

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Live Baby Doll

Addison loves playing in her cousin's baby doll cradle. It is just her size.

Update on Addie

I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I would update you on Addison a little. She is really getting good at sitting up on her own, and now thinks this is the only way she can play. She also loves jumping on anything and anyone. We have also recently tried feeding her applesauce mixed with her cereal, but this is still something she hasn't really got the hang of yet. She now uses her tongue to push it out of her mouth. Since she has been sick, Addison also thinks her new wake up time is 4 am or sometime around then. Not so fun for mom and dad, but hopefully she will go back to her normal routine of around 7am sometime SOON!!

She is growing up so fast. I can't believe that she will be 6 months next week. The time sure does fly by.

Now, for some pictures of my little cutie!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Future Guitar Player

Hopefully, she takes after her dad's talents with singing and playing the guitar.

Listening to dad play the guitar. He used to play it for her when I was pregnant.

Oh, how she loves her daddy!

Future rock star!

From The Heart

Hello, it's Matt
I don't do this blog thing much, but I wanted to share a little about our services this past Sunday. Our Pastor (Bro. Mike) felt led to preach about "Having Holy Households". Since this blog is dedicated to our family, I feel it's appropriate to share. It was such a challenging word from God. God's word clearly defines the roles of the husband and wife and sometimes I forget what I am supposed to be doing as the spiritual leader of my home (not really my home, but God's home in the first place). What an honor to be able to serve God as I love on my family. I was challenged in my personal life this weekend on doing a better job at being the husband and father God wants me to be. I have been blessed beyond words with a wonderful wife and new mother of our beautiful girl. Just wanted to share this with you all, and I pray that our desire is to give God our best. If anyone would like to hear the messages from this past Sunday, you can click on this link to and click on "media". May God bless you as you serve him!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our little bean burrito

We always call Addison that when we wrap her up after her bath, so we thought it would be funny to really wrap her up like a burrito. Here are some pictures we took. I'm sure one day she will be asking us "What were you thinking?"

My First Mother's Day

Being a mother is the greatest thing ever! I never could have imagined what a joy it would be. I've been so blessed to have a wonderful mother as an example!

The sweet card my husband left for me this morning.

After church

Oh how I love this little girl!

Our Family

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day. . .

. . .to two wonderful people! We love you both very much and thank you for being such wonderful mothers! Hope you both have a great day! You deserve it!

Hugs and Kisses from Addison

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sitting Up

Addison loves sitting up now to play. Of course, she isn't able to sit up on her own for very long periods of time, but she is working on it. We use the boppi for safety measures. She still is not rolling back over from her stomach to her back yet. She has gotten really good at rolling the other way, but just doesn't seemed to interested in the other. I'm sure she will get it eventually.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Weekend Getaway

So this weekend, Matt, Addison and I headed to the beach to get away for a while. Probably not exactly the greatest time to go. Thunder Beach was going on this weekend, and there were bikes and people EVERYWHERE! We did manage to go shopping some on Friday night and ate some great food at Carrabba's. Sadly to say, Addison DID NOT sleep good at the condo. She was up all night. Not sure yet if it was the fact that she was not sleeping in her bed or if she is starting to teeth(she has been showing a lot of signs of this lately). All in all, it was a great weekend hanging out with my family.

We were ready for a night out at Pier Park.

Addison and daddy talking with the shark outside of a restaurant we passed.

She loved riding in her stroller, watching and listening to the bikes pass by.

Waiting for mom to get out of the store.

Grandpa this picture is for you.