Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

This afternoon, we dressed Addison as Abby Cadabby and went on a stroll in downtown Woodstock for the trick or treating festivities. Addison has loved Elmo and Abby Cadabby for a while now, so we thought this would be the perfect thing to dress up as on Halloween. Thanks to Aunt JeniLee, she looked as cute as she could be. Here are some pictures of our afternoon with Abby.

Enjoying a blue raspberry snow cone. Thank goodness it matched her outfit!
Having her face painted for the first time. She did great!
Cutest little pumpkin ever!

Tonight, we are looking forward to passing out candy and trick or treating at the apartment.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Visit from Uncle Seamus, Aunt Katie, and Gavin

Early Friday morning, my baby sister and her family, minus Logan, came to stay for the weekend. We had gotten tickets to see Toy Story on Ice 3 at the Phillips Arena. I have to say it was EXCELLENT!! Addison was sooo excited to see her cousin and would call his name and point to the characters on the ice during the show. She wanted to make sure he was seeing it all too. On Saturday, Matt and I helped at the youth yard sale, so the rest of the family visited the Georgia Aquarium and the Coco-cola Factory. Reports are that Addison was very good and had a great time. Hopefully, my sister will get some pictures posted on her blog of the trip. We really enjoyed having them here and hated to see them leave today. Can't wait to see them all again in a couple of weeks when Addison and I visit Florida.

Quick breakfast before leaving for the convenient having McDonald's right by the apartment

Enjoying the show with Aunt Katie

Army men were really fun

Clapping to the Hoedown Throw down

From Facebook, we found out the Parker's were going to be at the show too, so after, we meet up for some lunch. We had a great time visiting!!

Pumpkin Carving with Addie

On Tuesday, Addison, mom and I decided to carve the pumpkin we had gotten at Burt's. We had a great time together!

Digging out the inside. She wasn't so sure at first... she decided one seed at a time

Helping Nana pick out all the seeds so we could cook and eat them

After we finished carving, she decided she wanted to paint it, so we got out our finger paints

Our little Picasso

All ready for the candle

Nana got us some really cool candles that were battery operated and still looked like a real candle

Papa and Nana Come to Visit

We were so excited when we found out dad had a meeting in Callaway and mom and him would be able to swing by for a visit after leaving. They arrived on Wednesday, and dad got to stay until Saturday morning. Mom got to spend the rest of the weekend and next week with us. We had such a great time. On Thursday, we went to the Apple Orchard again and then stopped by Burt's Pumpkin Patch before heading home. We had a great time picking out pumpkins for everyone. On Friday, we headed to the mall for a little shopping, and then to Heritage Park Friday night for some hill riding. Oh, how I wish I could include those videos, but I promised they would not be posted. Lots of laughs is all I have to say about that.

So many pumpkins!

Helping Papa wheel the pumpkins to check out

Trying on Papa's boots

Enjoying the park

After riding the hills with Nana and Papa

Heading to the mall for some shopping